We are currently investigating an issue affecting s35.

UPDATE The network issue has now been resolved and service is back to normal. Thank you for your patience.

We are experiencing a hard disk issue on s34, this is being worked on and we hope to have service back to normal ASAP.

Update: The server is now back online. We unfortunately had to assign a new IP in order to avoid delays to the restoration of service. If you use the IP to connect, please login to obtain the new IP. DNS has been updated, so no further action is required for majority of customers.

Thank you for your patience.

Server s2 is currently affected by an electrical fault at the data centre. Technicians are working on the problem at the moment and we expect service to be back online shortly. Thank you for your patience.

We are currently in the process of updating Shoutcast 2.6.0 to 2.6.1. This includes several welcome improvements such as native HTTPS support (no proxy required) and the lifting of the 128k limit for streams listed on the Shoutcast YP.

We will be updating servers over the next few weeks, if you are using Shoutcast 2.6 then it will restart when the update is complete which will result in a disconnection for approximately 10 seconds.

Updated servers:

s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 s13 s14 s15 s16 s17 s18 s23 s26 s27 s28 s30 s32 s33 s34 s36 s37 s38 s39 s40 s41 s42 s43 s44 s45 s46 s47 s48


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We are currently experiencing loss of power to s7 due to emergency electrical maintenance. We expect service to be back to normal within an hour.

Thank you for your patience.

We are currently experiencing an issue with s4, our technicians are currently looking into the issue and we hope to have service back up shortly.

Thank you for your patience.

If you need to change to a different server, then please log in and click the [change] button next to your server address. You can then choose a new server which will be set up for you instantly.

Streams hosted on s1 are currently unavailable due to an issue at the datacentre. The problem is being worked on and we hope to have service back soon.

Thank you for your patience.

We have experienced a hard disk failure on s7 so are currently setting up a new server which we expect to be back online in the next 30 minutes.

Thank you for your patience.